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14th International Exhibition and
Conference on Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy
& Materials
September, 2026, New Delhi

Auction of mineral blocks stabilised in country; 186 mines put on sale so far

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The government on Wednesday said the auction of mineral blocks has stabilised in the country as 186 mines have been put on sale so far.
Auction of mineral blocks stabilised in country; 186 mines put on sale so far
Of the 186 mineral blocks, 28 were auctioned in the last two months and 46 were successfully sold in FY22, Mines Joint Secretary Veena Kumari Dermal said.

186 to be precise blocks are allocated through auction. I am very happy to say that out of this, 46 (mineral blocks) were (auctioned) last year and this financial year in the first two months we have completed auction of 28 blocks. So, auction is stabilised in the country," she said during 'India Sweden Mining Day'.

The state governments, she said, are getting a very good share of revenue from the auctions and stressed that those states which were early birds in the whole race were really happy.

The Indian mining sector is vibrant, dynamic and has very good players, she said, and expressed hope that "the Swedish companies will also take part."

Swedish companies, she said, are providing technological and automation support to the Indian mining industry.

"Hope today's meeting will help us to kick-start the cooperation and take it forward," she added.

Private participation in exploration is being encouraged and a very good legislative provision is made to encourage private participation in exploration also, the joint secretary said.

Swedish Ambassador to India Klas Molin said, "India Sweden Mining Day is precisely to look at opportunities for cooperation. We have all major companies who have long long experiences of working in mining in Sweden...and in India here today.

"And as we speak there's a panel going on collaboration, opportunities etc. So the day is really meant to look at those opportunities and I am sure lots of tie up and potential collaboration will follow."

The mines ministry had earlier said that that the amendment in mineral auction rules will encourage competition that will ensure more participation in sale of blocks.

The Ministry of Mines had earlier notified the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Second Amendment Rules, 2021, and the Mineral (Auction) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2021 to amend the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015 (MEMC Rules) and the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 (Auction Rules), respectively.

The amendment rules have been framed after extensive consultations with the states, industry associations, miners, other stakeholders and general public.


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